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Conditions Often Associated with IBS

IBS sufferers frequently have other symptoms or get diagnosed with other fancy terms. Listed below are many of the digestive symptoms frequently associated with IBS that we routinely treat in our IBS patients. We find that these symptoms are usually solved when our IBS patients get better. If you have any of these conditions, call us to schedule an appointment. We can help!

GERD, Heartburn, and Reflux

Abdominal Migraines

Abdominal migraines is a diagnosis sometimes given to people, especially children, who suffer from severe stomach pain, nausea, abdominal cramping, and vomiting. (1) It’s a fancy way of saying that your stomach isn’t happy. In our experience, it’s another form of IBS and is just as treatable as IBS.

Anal Itching or Burning

Anal itching and/or burning are sometimes found in people who have IBS, and the causes are often intertwined. Fortunately, the alleviation is usually intertwined as well!


If you have chronic problems with anemia, then you may not be absorbing your nutrients well. Anemia is often associated with diarrhea (2) and if you are having trouble solving it, then you may have IBS.

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Belching and Burping

Belching and burping are the results of excess gas production and another sign that you aren’t digesting your food well. This often goes hand in hand with IBS (3) and is usually readily solvable.



Canker Sores

The mouth is the beginning of the digestive tract, and we’ve noticed that patients who suffer from canker sores are often healed when their IBS is resolved. (4)

Celiac Disease


Colic is the word used when babies suffer from gas, which is another way of saying IBS. Just because we don’t call it IBS in babies doesn’t make it different. Babies shouldn’t suffer from colic (gas) any more than adults should. We love treating babies, and find that they get better just like adults do!


Crohn’s Disease


Dyspepsia is a fancy term for an upset stomach. This is commonly seen in IBS patients (6) and typically resolves with their IBS. Our former dyspepsia patients are relieved to be rid of it!


Encopresis is a term used in children who have constipation. In our experience most children with encopresis are essentially suffering from IBS and there is a tremendous amount of overlap in their test results. (7) They improve just like our IBS patients. Unfortunately, the child is blamed for the problem when it isn’t their fault. If your child suffers from encopresis, call us today and get a second opinion!

Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EE)

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a specific type of inflammation in the esophagus. Eosinophils show up when there is an allergic reaction to something. Sometimes our IBS patients have this and it almost always is solved, even if they don’t have any other signs of IBS.


IBS and the things that cause IBS often cause fatigue, and therefore many IBS patients experience fatigue as part of their condition. Not only can the experience of IBS be exhausting, but having IBS is a sign that you aren’t digesting your food well, and that you are likely not getting the kind of nutritional value from your food that you would normally be getting. The key to improving your energy is solving your IBS. Once that happens, we frequently see energy significantly increase!

Functional Disorders

Functional digestive disorders are a broad category that literally means that your digestive tract is not functioning well. You probably already know that. It’s another way of saying that you have IBS. The implication is that you have a digestive problem because your body isn’t functioning well. But wait, that’s not helpful. We’re just going around in circles….    Call us today and we’ll get you off this hamster wheel!





Indigestion is a general term for digestive problems. In our experience, most people with indigestion have IBS. (10)


IBS patients often feel inflamed, and often report that some type of inflammation was seen during an endoscopy or colonoscopy. (11) This series of videos is about how problems in the digestive system can lead to inflammation not only in the digestive system, but throughout the body.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Lymphocytic Colitis

Microscopic Colitis





Ulcerative Colitis

Weight Loss


If you’re vomiting, then your body is rejecting what you’re eating. Many of our patients have experienced the resolution of this problem, which shouldn’t be too surprising. It’s just IBS coming out the top end instead of the bottom end. (12)


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